Dolores Huerta Elementary

Huerta Rally Call
Drums pound out the rhythm.
One class leads the call in Spanish.
The rest of the school responds.
The call is repeated with English translation.
The call closes with everyone saying
"!Si, se puede, Dolores Huerta,
Yes, we can at Dolores Huerta!" (one time only)
!Buenos Dias, Dolores Huerta!
!Buenos Dias, Dolores Huerta!
?Quienes somos, Dolores Huerta?
?Quienes somos, Dolores Huerta?
!Juntos somos mas fuertes!
!Juntos somos mas fuertes!
!Si, se puede, Dolores Huerta!
!Si, se puede, Dolores Huerta!
Good Morning to Dolores Huerta!
Good Morning to Dolores Huerta!
Who are we at Dolores Huerta?
Who are we at Dolores Huerta?
Strong together, Dolores Huerta!
Strong together, Dolores Huerta!
"Yes we can" at Dolores Huerta!
"Yes we can" at Dolores Huerta!
"Si se puede," Dolores Huerta.
"Yes we can," Dolores Huerta!"
Line 3 Options (Based on ideas shared by Dolores)
!We believe we have the power!
!Creemos que tenemos el poder!
We are all one big family!
!Todos somos una familia!
We are all one human race!
!Todos somos una raza humana!
We are all activists!
!Todos somos activistas!
Said Dolores
When shadows are cast on our spirit,
And they try to strike fear in our heart,
Remember the power within us all,
To light our own way from the start,
And pave a vision forward,
With the strength of collective will,
To meet the needs of our children,
By shining our light on Capitol Hill,
"Si se puede," said Dolores,
Long before Obama,
But her fortitude and independence,
Could be a credit to her mama,
Who owned a large hotel,
In the Central California Valley,
Where she sheltered farm workers,
When they were short on food and money,
Imagine the day when all children walk,
Without holes in their shoes,
Imagine the day the workers sing,
When songs of joy resolve the Blues,
Si se puede, si se puede,
Said Dolores, si se puede,
Long before Obama,
Yes we can!
At home, church, and at school,
She was quick to volunteer,
A Girl Scout and a majorette,
To Dolores it was clear,
Change can only come,
When we look to our own hand,
And claim the value,
That we bring to this land,
Dolores, Larry, and Cesar,
Formed the U.F.W.,
With the help of many others,
Soon the labor movement grew,
As people began to realize,
With the food upon their table,
There were countless workers,
Hidden behind each label,
Imagine the day when all children walk,
Without holes in their shoes,
Imagine the day the workers sing,
When songs of joy resolve the Blues,
Si se puede, si se puede,
Said Dolores, si se puede,
Long before Obama,
Yes we can!
Have It All
May you have auspiciousness and causes of success
May you have the confidence to always do your best
May you take no effort in your being generous
Sharing what you can, nothing more nothing less
May you know the meaning of the word happiness
May you always lead from the beating in your chest
May you be treated like an esteemed guest
May you get to rest, may you catch your breath
And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow
Well here's to the hearts that you're gonna break
Here's to the lives that you're gonna change
Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you
I want you to have it
Here's to the good times we're gonna have
You don't need money, you got a free pass
Here's to the fact that I'll be sad without you
I want you to have it all
Oh! I want you to have it all
I want you to have it
I want you to have it all
May you be as fascinating as a slap bracelet
May you keep the chaos and the clutter off your desk
May you have unquestionable health and less stress
Having no possessions though immeasurable wealth
May you get a gold star on your next test
May your educated guesses always be correct
And may you win prizes shining like diamonds
May you really own it each moment to the next
And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows
And may the road less paved be the road that you follow
Well here's to the hearts that you're gonna break
Here's to the lives that you're gonna change
Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you
I want you to have it
Here's to the good times we're gonna have
You don't need money, you got a free pass
Here's to the fact that I'll be sad without you
I want you to have it all
Oh, I want you to have it all
I want you to have it
I want you to have it all
Oh, I want you to have it all
All you can imagine
All, no matter what your path is
If you believe it then anything can happen
Go, go, go raise your glasses
Go, go, go you can have it all
I toast you
Here's to the hearts that you're gonna break
Here's to the lives that you're gonna change
Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you
I want you to have it
Here's to the good times we're gonna have
You don't need money, you got a free pass
Here's to the fact that I'll be sad without you
I want you to have it all
Oh, I want you to have it all
I want you to have it
I want you to have it all
Here's to the good times we're gonna have
Here's to you always making me laugh
Here's to the fact that I'll be sad without you
I want you to have it all
Cerca del Mar
Cerca del mar
yo me enamoré
y como la luna,
la brisa y la espuma
también te besé.
La noche azul,
noche tropical
comprendió mis penas
y entre sus arenas
yo pude soñar.
El mar nos arrulló
pensando en nuestro amor.
Y al despertar de aquella ilusión
un beso nos dimos y en el beso unimos
tu amor y mi amor.
El mar nos arrulló
pensando en nuestro amor.
Y al despertar de aquella ilusión
un beso nos dimos y en el beso unimos
tu amor y mi amor,
tu amor y mi amor.
La Raspa
Tu ma, tu ma, tu ma,
tu máquina de coser.
La tu, la tu, la tu,
la tuya es de tejer. (2x)
Ay mamá no voy pa' la escuela
porque tengo dolor de muela.
Ay papá no voy pa'l salón
porque tengo sarampión.
Los Barandales del Puente
Los barandales del puente
se estremecen cuando paso,
morena mía dame un abrazo.
Dame tu mano morena
para subir al tranvía
que está cayendo la nieve fría.
Si está cayendo que caiga
y asómate a tu ventana,
morena mía, dueña de mi alma.
De todas a ti te quiero
de las demás a ninguna,
morena mía, luz de la luna.
De todas a ti te quiero,
de las demás no hago caso,
morena mía dame un abrazo.
Ya con ésta me despido
cortando flores de azahares,
aquí terminan los barandales.
No Volveré
Cuando lejos me encuentre de tí
cuando quieras que esté yo contigo
no hallarás ni un recuerdo de mi
ni tendrás más amores conmigo.
Yo te juro que no volveré
aunque me haga pedazos la vida
si una vez con locura te amé
ya de mi alma estarás despedida.
No volveré te lo juro por Dios que me mira
te lo digo llorando de rabia, no volveré.
No pararé hasta ver que mi llanto ha formado
un arroyo de olvido anegado,
donde yo tu recuerdo ahogaré.
Fuimos nubes que el viento apartó,
fuimos piedras que siempre chocamos,
gotas de agua que el sol resecó,
borracheras que no terminamos.
En el tren de la ausencia me voy,
mi boleto no tiene regreso
lo que tengas de mi te lo doy
pero no te devuelvo tus besos.
No volveré te lo juro por Dios que me mira
te lo digo llorando de rabia, no volveré.
No pararé hasta ver que mi llanto ha formado
un arroyo de olvido anegado,
donde yo tu recuerdo ahogaré.